How Do I Get Squirrels Out of My Attic?
Squirrels are cute, furry creatures that can be fun to watch when they’re scampering around outside. However, when they find their way into your attic, they can quickly become a nuisance. Squirrels can cause damage to your home’s insulation, wiring, and structural supports, and they can also create a lot of noise and mess. Here […]
Repairing Damage Done by Unwanted Critters
There are lots of different kinds of wild animals that give homeowners problems. At K.P. Wildlife, we’ve helped lots of homeowners in Maryland remove animals and repair their property afterwards. Wild animals can do a lot of damage to your home and lawn, and we wanted to take some time today to speak about how […]
Wilmington, Delaware Bird Removal
It seems like every year, in Delaware and much of America, more and more of our forests are being cut down. And as they’re cut down, the critters that live there need to find new places to live. We get calls from Wilmington, DE residents all the time about birds living in their houses. If […]