Are There Birds in Your Vents?

When camping, there can be nothing better to wake up to than the sounds of the birds chirping, but when you’re at home you probably don’t want to be awoken by birds. Usually, birds like to build their nests outside somewhere, either in a tree or a bush, but with the increase in loss of habitat, many have taken to roosting in people’s homes. One commonplace that they will do this is in your vents.

bird pest home

If you have birds in the vents of your Maryland home, don’t try and deal with them yourself, get some help from a bird removal specialist.

Birds In Your Dryer Vent?

Any home that has its own dryer will have a dryer vent that allows for heat and moisture to be expelled outside of the home. While this is a necessary part of your home, it’s also an area that is very welcoming for birds. Birds of all different kinds, including pigeons, starlings, and sparrows, like to build nests in dryer vents due to the warmth and shelter they provide.

If birds have built a nest in your dryer vent, then you\ll probably be able to hear chirping when you open your dryer door. The inner-workings of your dryer ventilation system can be quite tricky and maneuvering through them is something best left to a professional Maryland bird removal expert.

What About in Your Bathroom Vents?

In addition to the vents leading out of your dryer, most bathrooms also have vents that allow for air to flow more easily in and out. And just as birds will make their home in your dryer vent, they will also nest in your bathroom vents.

Listen in to your vents for any chirping, there may also be a smell coming from your vents. If you experience either of these then you likely have some birds in your bathroom vents, and your best bet is to contact a local Maryland bird removal company.

Work With an Experienced Maryland Bird Removal Specialist

Here at K.P. Wildlife, we’ve been providing our bird removal services to Maryland for years, and we’ve learned a few things along the way. No matter what kind of bird, or how many of them are, we can help you out.

Our team of Maryland bird removal experts is standing by ready to help you out in any way possible, give us a call today.