Why Do Bats, Birds, Squirrels, and Other Animals Love Attics?

Why Do Bats, Birds, Squirrels, and Other Animals Love Attics

For many homeowners, the attic serves as a convenient storage space, a depository for old treasures, or perhaps an extra room waiting to be converted. However, for a variety of wildlife species, the attic holds a different allure altogether. From bats to birds and squirrels, these creatures seem to have an inexplicable affinity for making […]

How Do I Get Squirrels Out of My Attic?

Squirrels are cute, furry creatures that can be fun to watch when they’re scampering around outside. However, when they find their way into your attic, they can quickly become a nuisance. Squirrels can cause damage to your home’s insulation, wiring, and structural supports, and they can also create a lot of noise and mess. Here […]

Attic Insulation Removal and Replacement

Insulation that has been destroyed by wildlife leaves you in a challenging situation. Your insulation is crucial for keeping your home warm and comfortable. If your attic insulation has been destroyed or it’s just time to replace your insulation, look no further than K.P. Wildlife Control. Take a closer look at our MD attic insulation […]

Havoc that Birds in Your Home Can Cause

Birds are helpful for a lot of things around your property, such as eating harmful insects and entertaining you when you need them most. But once they enter your home, they can wreak havoc. In fact, bird-related problems are one of the most common pest issues reported. But how much havoc could these seemingly harmless […]

Animal Noises in Your Attic?

Are you hearing scratching or other strange noises coming from your home’s attic? If so, you may have some animals living up there. Here at K.P. Wildlife, we’ve been providing Marylanders with our animal removal services for years, and we wanted to take a little bit of time today to talk about all of the […]